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Resource Guides
If you are interested in using one of these guides for your classroom send a note here
or call 877-2436 and ask for the Ag Literacy Coordinator!
Animal Rummy – Card game designed to teach students about farm animals, their food, sounds and names and the relationship of farm animals to their consumer use. Grades K-2.
Farm Sources
Farm Sources of Cheeseburgers – Lists all the ingredients that make a hamburger and how they relate to agriculture. Includes fun activities and giant cheeseburger prop.
Farm Sources of Pizza – Lists all the ingredients that make a pizza and how they relate to agriculture. Includes fun activities and large pizza prop.
General Agriculture
Agriculture Keeps it Growing! – Includes interdisciplinary lessons on sheep, trees, soybeans, and corn. Worksheets and posters included.
Bulletin Board Kit – All the components to display the agricultural progression from field to production. Display country to city/suburbs. You can solor as you go and design your own farm.
Children’s Literature Across the Curriculum – A multi-curricular approach to teaching Language Arts and Social Studies using agricultural themes. Lessons are based on award winning books that should be available in your school library.
Kids, Crops, & Critters – This loose spiral notebook is organized to give teachers lesson plans in six categories: Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Science, Fine Arts, and Health/Nutrition/Safety with each lesson already coordinated to the Illinois Learning Standards. The lessons investigate agribusiness, production agriculture, product technology, food processing, environmental science, horticulture, agriculture mechanics, agriculture economics, and agriculture careers. It is available for those teaching students K-8 by attending a workshop about this valuable resource.
Illinois Soybean Association 2001 Educational Guide – Contains the most recent material on soy products and farming.
Soybeans Go To School – Teaching materials for 4th and 5th Grade Science.
Teach Me About Soybeans – A complete Language Arts lesson for use with the literature book “Why the Brown Bean was Blue”. Includes four activity sheets, bookmarks and soybean game to use in your primary classes.
Amazing Wheat – an educational and entertaining look at wheat “the principal sustaining grain for people around the world.” Includes a range of activities involving writing, measuring, documenting, reporting, hands-on and group projects. Includes video.
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